The Management of GRAVITY SCOOTERS, S.L. has a triple mission: to bring the practice of scooter downhill riding to everyone in an easy and safe manner, to promote the use of scooters in mushing for large pulls or difficult terrains, and to reduce pollution by advocating for sustainable mobility; where the quality of service is a fundamental element.
GRAVITY SCOOTERS, S.L. has implemented a quality system based on the requirements of the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, focused on continuous improvement and customer satisfaction, within the scope of:
Our policy is structured on the following pillars:
1. Comply with the requirements established in the ISO 9001:2015 standard, seeking continuous improvement and effectiveness in the implementation and maintenance of the management system.
2. Comply with legal requirements, as well as other applicable requirements.
3. Establish and periodically review defined quality objectives.
4. Define and meet customer needs, conducting quality controls and process improvements.
5. Ensure active participation of staff and continuous training.
6. Conduct management and evaluation of possible risks that may arise, analyzing causes and impacts. Work on eliminating and/or reducing risks or situations that generate risks.
7. Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of internal processes.
The Management of GRAVITY SCOOTERS, S.L. is committed to disseminating the Quality Policy to all company personnel, ensuring their understanding and comprehension. Likewise, it is available to clients and society as a whole.
The responsible party for the established Management System will be in charge of periodically reviewing the system to ensure and maintain the effectiveness and efficiency of the service.
In Mediona, February 8th, 2024
Signed: Management